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Ferrari using Windows HPC Server 2008

Microsoft has gone places over the years,and now is going a bit more into the fast and furious mod.Microsoft is giving its Windows HPC 2008 Server claiming to solve the car's super computing needs.But Microsoft won't go easy on this ride,as along side Linux bases AMD Opteron which by the way are high processing systems used in aerodynamics and engine modeling.

The Windows HP Server 2008 replaces the 'Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003' adding up new scheduling,management tools,failover features,and high-speed networking.Microsoft want to publicize it big and has already started to do it with Lloyds TSB,Boeing, and Procter & Gamble.Microsoft wants to dominate a field which has been dominated over the years by Linux based systems,so a tough and rough race can sure be witnessed.

Ferrari is taking a risk or not,can't really say about it.Just keep the fingers crossed and hope it doesn't crashes like windows 98.

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