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Digital Wallpapers Bring Life to your Room

Home decoration & designing is a very important aspect of how you live because it displays your personality. Wallpapers are used by people to enhance the looks of their home but aren't you tired of watching those old traditional wallpaper designs with flowers and scenery !. Strukt Studio's took up a project called 'Digital Wallpaper' in which they had to design an animated wallpaper. The final result sure was so amazing and a delightful view. Following is a video to show the demonstration.

The wall on which the experiment was done was covered up with white & black stripes. Then using 'deskewing' and some programing they were able to put the projector on the right angle so that the lights moved within the white & black striped wall.

Check out the really cool video:

Hirzberger Events - Digital Wallpaper from Gregor Hofbauer on Vimeo.

This just excites me so much as i hope one day this would be available commercially :)

 via [dvice]


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