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BMW iDrive given an Upgrade

iDrive has given its multi-functional rotary controller an upgrade.The system earlier known for not giving a satisfactory result,hopes for giving a better result this time.New features have been added and the BMW driver will have much control over the system.

The iDrive meant to give an enhance to the navigation,entertainment and vehicle functionality and give it a compact look,was given a 'worse response' earlier because of being uncooperative.The new iDrive gives the driver a much better interface with the system.

Now,the driver can change the door look settings,tire pressure and watch instructional videos (only when the car is stopped).However,BMW still needs to remove the driver distraction problem,the voice recognition software also needs some serious amendments.

The iDrive will come up with the 7-Series,but cost $2000 on the 3 & 1-Series.

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