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Robots Serving Breakfast Becomes a Reality

Whats better than someone making breakfast for you....yum yum.The future belongs to automated serve systems,in which all you gotta do is sit back and relax.Scientific designers at the Waseba University in Tokyo,Japan have designed a robot "Twenty One" which is able to serve you breakfast without crumbling the bread.The hands of it are made as of a normal woman's.

video for live demo:

Artificial intelligence still has a long way to travel.But such robots are giving new hope and motivation each day for the making of robots which are 100% human like and posses feelings like we humans do.

This robot will be out in 2015.Hopes are high for such robots because the world is moving very fast and new technologies are what people are looking for.


  1. Wow, that robot is so cute I wouldn't really mind if it took over the world!

  2. yeah you are write it is cute (-.-)

  3. oohhh i would love to be server by robot.


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