Transformer Insipred USB Drive
If you are a fan Transformers, then you should totally love this new gadget. Its a 2GB drive, that for real transforms into a fierce cat. I was actually waiting myself for a Transformer USB and watching this for the first time made me real happy. But this USB has to pre-ordered in order you want it.
The major drawback for this 'cool' USB is that, the price is $43 which is alot more than you pay for a 2GB USB. However, it can be bought as a collector's item. It would be releasing in September, you can order it here.
Via [gizmodiva]
The major drawback for this 'cool' USB is that, the price is $43 which is alot more than you pay for a 2GB USB. However, it can be bought as a collector's item. It would be releasing in September, you can order it here.
Via [gizmodiva]
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