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Evolution of Mobile Phones - First Ever Cellular Telephone

Mobile phones today are the best to use these days as compared to laptops or PCs, because of their extreme portability and efficient specifications. The latest technology which smartphones of today use, seemed once 'impossible' to exist. Just try to remember the time when you used to have a mobile or saw someone using those old big Nokia handsets, a laugh or a smile is what you are going to get thinking about their huge size.
Lets look into how it all started and how we got the mobile phones in our hands. Do you you know which was the first cellular telephone ever to be used? And what was the weight of it? See below to know the answers.

To put the idea cellular communications  into reality, Martin Cooper set up a base in New York and a prototype cellular telephone, the Motorola DynaTAC which you can see in the picture below.At a public demonstration in 3rd April, 1973 a 30-ounce phone was used , Martin Cooper called up his rivals at for the very first call AT&T Bell. You can see the specifications of the DynaTAC below.

Mr. Cooper commented:
As I walked down the street while talking on the phone, sophisticated New Yorkers gaped at the sight of someone actually moving around while making a phone call. Remember that in 1973, there weren't cordless telephones or cellular phones. I made numerous calls, including one where I crossed the street while talking to a New York radio reporter - probably one of the more dangerous things I have ever done in my life.

Later on in 1983, after 10 years of hard work, Mr. Cooper bought the 16ounce commercial DynaTAC into the markets. It coasted $3500 for the customer to buy it. It took 7years  to reach a total of 1 Million subscribers in the United States.

The journey from the Motorola DynaTAC to the latest mobile phones we use today has been a journey that changed our lives drastically. An idea is sure worth a million if there is faith in it. Common people about 50 t0 6o years before never would have thought thought or believed that there would be mobile phones that would be controlled with our fingertips our simply by our voice.

The evolution of mobile phones is an amazing time period, in which we literally can see the changes evolving, ideas becoming reality, concepts becoming motivations and the present becoming an assurity for a better future.
Below, you can see the video on the "evolution of mobile phones". Its an interesting video which will take you through the time span through which the mobile phones changed.  Its a video upto the Apple iPhone, but still its a good watch, might bring some old memories back and give you a chance to see an old mobile phone which you may have owned sometime back then.

Here is another bonus video for you to watch. Its the promotional video for the Motorola DynaTAC.

Today we have supposedly all the latest technology in our hands, but what is next to come is always a surprise. So lets watch and see what new technologies come up in mobile phones over the next years to come.

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