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TOP 5 Reasons Why We Can't Leave Facebook

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Facebook with over 750 Million users is by far the biggest social media network website on the internet. Ever since Facebook has came into existence it has been changing lives. From school kids to college professors, you name it and that person would be on Facebook. No one seems to not have a Facebook account these days.

To make a list about Facebook is definitely not an easy task, as everyone may have his/her own reasons to use it. But let us look into some common and known reasons of why people simply love to use it and can't avoid it.

Top 5 Reasons : Why We Use Faecbook

  1. Awesome Friend Connectivity: Facebook is the only source where we can get together with all of our friends. Admit it! We have more friends on Facebook than in real life. The connections for a single person have increased immensely. So in order to be in touch with all those, we need to login and see what's going on in their lives. It's human nature. This urge to know more makes Facebook a place to stay and not to leave. No one wants to miss out if something interesting is happening.
  2. Where are you ? Tell Others: Lately Facebook has started to look like a girlfriend, always asking what's on your mind and the new application "Foursquare" asking where you at ? The importance of Facebook is now much more as we can tell and inform our friends and our family where we are. It's simple and fast. Just a click and your location is sent on Facebook.
  3. Everyone is Here Why Should I Move: There are many social media networks other than Facebook, so why don't people move there. Before Facebook there was MySpace, Orkut, Hi5 and many more but later on people who used these websites have decreased by a huge number. Everyone now a days uses Facebook, and its very hard to get used to another network just for the sake for it moving to another network. The audience which Facebook covers is immense, everybody from the street uses it. The extreme connectivity and friend search which it provides is simply amazing. So why leave it if everyone else is using it.
  4. Let Me Play My Games: One of the most important factor why Facebook is addictive and hard to leave is the super game collection it has. There are so many games from which you can play. Games like Cityville, Farmville, Bejeweled Blitz , Mafia Wars and others are played by millions of people. Now, how can one leave a game which involves all friends and family. This is Facebook's high plus point, which makes it almost impossible to even log out from there. Game I play the most has to be Bejeweled Blitz, if you don't play it then do check it out.
  5. Facebook Pages and Groups: By far the most important feature for a lot of people would be the Pages and Groups they own, run or are connected with. There are so many people out there who use Facebook pages for their business or for some other reason. Lots of famous celebrities whether they are from sports, music or any other area are using Faecebook pages to connect with their fans.

The final conclusion is simple, Facebook used by millions across the world has become a necessity to keep track of the everyday happenings. It has it all one can imagine: Friends, Family, Celebrity connectivity, Chat, Photos, Videos, Games and much much more to keep you glued to the screen.
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