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What is SOPA and PIPA ? [Video and Comic]

The latest most talked about topic in news these days on all media sources is SOPA and PIPA. Everyone is against these two laws, as they practically unable the internet users to browse without any freedom. This video which is enclosed in this article will briefly describe and explain to you why these two laws should be taken down at every cost. Wikipedia along with many other famous websites have blacked out to protest against SOPA (Stop Onlinw Piracy Act)  and PIPA (Protect IP Act).

Check out this informative video on SOPA and PIPA:

Another video which talks about the same topic:

Here is a comic on SOPA, telling what exactly it can do. Funny but true.

Its an ongoing battle between the Internet users and the US government. Million of peoples are writing petitions from across the world to stop SOPA and PIPA.

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