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Reduce Eyestrain Using MyVu Video Glasses

Watching videos can be an addictive,its not harmful at all but watching for a long time can be.It can cause you headache or an eyestrain.But the new MyVu video glasses not let this happen.

These video glasses have a tiny LCD with such lens that the video is focused perfectly on both eyes.It has a resolution of 640x480 which is larger than that of the iPod.But there is a sad part,that the people who wear glasses can not wear these video glasses but if you wear lenses,then its fine.

The glasses not only provide excellent visual quality,it also gives you good sound quality as well.The built-in ear bud speakers are made by "Ultimate Ears".Moreover,you can also change the brightness and contrast of the video.

In a single battery charge the glasses run for 5 hours continuous.For all those who love watching movies,this gadget sure looks promising !!.


  1. You can use these glasses with various sources, such as a portable media player or your cell phone. This technology promises to eliminate the dizziness phenomenon usually associated with this kind of display. And with these glasses weighing only about 40 grams, you’ll feel that you’re viewing a 40-inch screen from a distance of 7 feet.


    video glasses


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