Baby BlackBerry - A Play Mobile for the Kids
With the arrival of so many stylish and high-tech mobiles in the market,there was still a need for something to attract a audience which was being neglected.Its because we never think of them using all these gadgets,i am talking about small kids who wonder how these cool things work. LeapFrog has launched its "Baby BlackBerry" specially and only for the kids.
However,this one is not exactly a functional phone,its just to make the kids happy.However it has a 'dummy' browser feature and kids can send messages to the LeapFrog Character.Other features are educational based like letter matching, shape identification,and QWERTY keyboard navigation.
The price is $25.
However,this one is not exactly a functional phone,its just to make the kids happy.However it has a 'dummy' browser feature and kids can send messages to the LeapFrog Character.Other features are educational based like letter matching, shape identification,and QWERTY keyboard navigation.
The price is $25.
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